Gender analysis in the cultural field of Armenia

This report is one of the first attempts to understand and estimate the environment on gender policy in the contemporary cultural field of Armenia. In the
analysis, we used the results of a qualitative study while incorporating some elements of a quantitative survey.
The gender analysis aims to identify trends and fundamental issues of gender equality, women’s role and engagement, the rights and freedom of expression of the LGBTQ+ community in the cultural space of Armenia within the period 2018-2021.
In the analysis, the first part refers to the legal framework of the topic and the public and media perceptions on the changes in state gender policy in the
cultural field or the introductions of the new ones. The second part of the analysis presents a desk study of the activities and local phenomena that work towards the actualization and dissemination of the discourse on gender equality in the modern cultural space.
This Report was prepared by Sona Kalantaryan and Tigran Amiryan within the framework of the New Democracy Fund Program of Danish Cultural Institute.
Read the full report here