Call for applications for The New Cooperation Fund

It is now possible to apply for support from The New Cooperation Fund to develop new relations or strengthen existing partnerships between civil society organisations in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries and Denmark.
The New Cooperation Fund is established as a part of The New Democracy Fund to support the development of strong, innovative, and long-lasting relations between civil society organisations in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries and Denmark. The New Cooperation Fund goes beyond traditional development assistance and favours strong, innovative, or courageous partnerships that are willing to take risks and are oriented towards cross-thematic synergy or breaking new ground.
New Cooperation Fund provides support for smaller projects that allow Danish civil society actors the opportunity to continue and develop existing partnerships as well as entering new or innovative partnerships with one or more partners in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. The purpose of the Fund is to support collaborations that:
- Develop new or innovative people-to-people cooperation and exchange of experience
- Enable the continuation of existing partnerships for further development of valuable experiences and contribute to building sustainable partnerships
Applicants for the New Cooperation Fund must be registered in Denmark as civil society organizations or cultural, educational and knowledge institutions, including NGOs and self-governing organisations. Emphasis is placed on the breadth and depth of the partnerships. The Danish applicant should therefore demonstrate an ambition to establish long-lasting cooperation which goes beyond traditional development assistance. It is also possible for Danish CSOs without established partnerships to apply for support if they present strong innovative project ideas with the potential of contributing to sustainable and lasting partnerships.
The total budget for New Cooperation Fund is 10 million DKK and a maximum of 15 projects will be supported. The first call for applications is open from the 22nd of June 2021 to the 8th of August 2021. A second call for applications is expected to open in November 2021.
How to apply
Read more about the New Cooperation Fund and how to apply here