Webinar: How to apply for funding

Our funding mechanisms are now open, and you can apply!
We will introduce application procedures, which projects are accepted, and you will get the opportunity to ask questions.
Sign up here: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_ADGS-iaiQomP2c_ExaTENA
Total amount:
15 million DKK
- New Cooperation Mechanism: 14th of May 2023
- Flexible Response Mechanism: Rolling deadline
Who can apply:
Civil society organisations from the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries and Denmark, including human rights activists, labour market and trade unions, artists and cultural organisations, documentarists, journalists, and more.
*Please note that the webinar will be in English, and it will be recorded and forwarded to all registrants.
Read more about the funding mechanisms, here: https://www.newdemocracyfund.org/we-support/